Tuesday, April 23, 2013

He's Heeeere

Paxton Robert arrived at 12:13 am on December 14th.  On the 13th, I went to my Dr's office and scheduled a C/S for the 26th.  They did an U/S and found that he is still frank breech.  After the appointment my mom and I went to visit my cousin at work and then we went to lunch.  I came home and relaxed for a bit then decided that breaded eggplant parmesan would be really good.  So, at 3ish, I pulled everything out, and went to grab my apron and the phone rang.  I answered and it was the nurse asking me the last time I ate.  I told her around 1:30/2.  She said, well you do in fact have cholestasis and we need you to come in for your c/s today.  What time can you be here?  So, I was in shock and freaking out! I called my parents and MH and got a shower.  MH got home and showered real quick and by 5, we were headed to L&D.  No one there had any recollection that I was asked to come in or who could have called me.  What I mess.  That hospital blows!  I had to wait until 10pm before they could perform the C/S, since I ate.  By 8pm, I started to go into active labor.  The nurse said, well, he was coming whether you liked it or not, yet, they did nothing to make me more comfortable.  In fact, they kept me in the triage room until the OR opened up at 11:30 at night!

So... we go into the OR and they are prepping me and the anesthesiologist couldn't get the spinal to take.  A half hour later, they ask a regular Dr if he could get it and he said it was difficult cause I'm short.  Whatever!  So, they are basically yelling at MH every time he tried to peek over the curtain they had up.  Next thing I know, MH is so excited saying he sees his arm and leg.  He starts crying.  Then BAM!  I feel pain!  The spinal wore off before they even had him all the way out.  They had a hard time getting him out cause his but was stuck cause I was in active labor, all the meanwhile.  SO, I felt every bit of them sewing me up and everything.  Last I remember is the Dr saying they couldn't stop the bleeding and my B/P dropped drastically.  They make MH leave, and they unstrap my arms and a RN is behind me, restraining me with my arms wrapped in front of me.  They give me a shot and I forget everything after that.  :(  What should have been amazing, was horrible.

So, I guess they bring me into a room and my parents, SIL and MH parents are in the room.  They tried handing me Paxton, but I was so sick, that I couldn't even hold him.  I couldn't feed him or anything!  I kept vomiting green and I was sweaty and shaking profusely.  I don't remember anyone's reaction to him or taking pictures, nothing!  I had to watch a video to see my reaction to him, even.  I wanna say it's a moment I'll never forget, but unfortunately, what I do remember, wasn't pleasant.  The rest is a blur.

That's my birth story and I'm sorry it took me so long to post (4 crazy months)! Paxton is a big, handsome, happy and strong growing boy and in August, hoping for FET #2 :)  The end!

1 comment:

  1. Greetings! I hope you're enjoying your fall! I wanted to know if you could answer my question about your blog! My name is Heather and my email is Lifesabanquet1(at)gmail(dot)com :-)
