Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Gotta Start Somewhere

Hello, all!  I have never blogged before and don't quite know where to start, but I guess I gotta start somewhere.  My husband and I got married October 2, 2010.  This was the happiest most beautiful day in our lives and we couldn't wait to start our family ASAP.  After several months, in July, it happened for us! We were elated.  It was July 19th and I was 10 days late wondering if it could be.  I took a HPT and there it was written loud and clear on a stick "Pregnant."  We were so excited and told immediate family and close friends.  I started jumping the gun by looking at baby names, bigger houses, and even bought an outfit or 2.  Throughout the next 2 weeks, I was having bad cramps and mild bleeding which my Dr told me was quite normal.  She said, however, if anything worsens, to head to the hospital.  Being the paranoid new mommy-to-be that I was, I went to the ER 3x within those 2 weeks.  They even kept me overnight for observation.  I went to a couple different hospitals in the area for different opinions because the bleeding and pains were progressing.  Each Dr told me that my betas were rising and I was still pregnant and it was too early to even detect anything on the ultrasounds.  It finally set in, OMG, I really am pregnant!

I went to my Dr after telling her about my prior hospital visits and she wanted me to come in for an ultrasound.  When I went, she said that I had a blighted ovum and to schedule a D and C for the following morning.  I was uneasy about this all night.  I kept thinking what if she is wrong and all of the other Dr's are right and I'm still in the grey area and it's just too early to tell.  I cancelled the D and C.  I went to a Women's Hospital and as quickly as they put the gel on my stomach and pulled up the screen, there was my baby....In my left fallopian tube!  They knew right away it was ectopic and I was then too far along and needed Laparoscopic surgery.  The surgeon I spoke with said that I had scarring in my tube and that's what caused the ectopic and it must be from an STD.  I called BS on his part and told him I had been with the same person for 10 1/2 years before marrying my husband.  His reply was, "Well, your boyfriend cheated on you with a cheerleader who apparently was with the whole football team."  I said, then what is my mother's excuse that had an ectopic with twins?  She and my dad are high school sweethearts and have been together since she was 16.  He said, "Well, then your mother must have gotten around, as well."  Yes, this is not BS.  This is 100% true.  And this man was going to do surgery on me the following morning?  I was very uncomfortable with that! So, the next morning, I am in the operating prep room, or whatever it's called, and I told the nurses I was not comfortable with Dr doing my surgery.  She said, well, ma'am, you are going to have to tell him yourself.  So, I expressed to him that I was not comfortable with him performing my surgery and somehow he comforted me into believing everything was okay. This was July 30th.

Fast forward to August 16th, my brother's birthday and 1st day back to work, I am in extreme pain.  I mean the worst pain I have ever been in, in my entire life.  I stupidly drove myself home and I couldn't stand, I couldn't lay down, I couldn't breathe.  My mom told me to call my neighbor, who is a nurse, and I was passed out in their arms as soon as they opened the door.  I was grey, clammy, lightheaded; it was awful.  The ambulance came and said there was no blood pressure and they were having a hard time detecting my pulse.  My husband and family await me to get out of the cat scan once I arrived at the hospital, in and out of consciousness, and they say there is a mass amount of fluid in my abdomen and they weren't sure what it was, but it was rising into my lungs.  Hours later and a much better Dr, we come to find that there was 2 liters of blood in my abdomen.  The Dr that I wasn't comfortable with in July, didn't get the whole pregnancy out and my tube bled non-stop for 2 weeks into my abdomen.  I needed 2 blood transfusions, a plasma transfusion, a left tubal ligation, and was told do not ever try to conceive naturally ever again.

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